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9/8/2021 MIN

Community Council Minutes
September 8, 2021 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Michelle Arnold
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Megan Bowen(excused)
Martha Garrity (Secretary) Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle(excused) Jen Johnson
Karlee Fryer Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston Matt Bennett
Candace Goodman(guest)  

Agenda Topics

  • Review and approve the minutes from the May meeting (Wyatt) 1 minute
    • Look at and approve both May and September’s minutes at next mtg
  • Review Budget (Matt) 5 min
    • Haven’t spent much this school year but the money was well spent from last year! It was a lot but went to really great places
  • Review SIP Plan
    • It has been difficult finding subs for PLC teams to meet
    • Two more aides need to be hired- however there aren’t enough in the pool
    • One teacher per grade level will tutor one hour before or after school for interventions. Matt will continue to work with each grade level to get this started for the year
    • Reading AtoZ software
    • Book study for staff- may not happen because we’re already asking a lot of our 1-3 grade teachers
    • Part-time psychologist Siri- 20 hrs/week The district tried hiring another part time psychologist but was not able to
    • PBIS team is working hard to set everything up for the year
  • Community Council Canvas Course
    • Look for email coming soon
  • Public Input (Wyatt)
    • Vote on Secretary:
      • Motion by Wyatt for Karlee Fryer
      • Matt 2nd
      • All in favor


  1. Every member complete the Canvas CC course when the email comes.
  2. Review the remaining sections of the SIP not reviewed in the meeting and note any questions or concerns.

Next Meeting

  • Wednesday, October 12, 2021 @ 3:15 pm