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Woodruff Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

Bylaws/Rules of Order


Adopted by the Council on: 11/13/24

Mission Statement: We exist to ensure high levels of academic achievement by cultivating resilience and community leading to a confident future for ALL!

Vision Statement: In order to achieve our mission, we must become an inclusive and influential school that:

  • Demonstrates a personal commitment to the well being of each student
  • Is a model Professional Learning Community
  • Consistently achieves high proficiency

Community Based Responsibilities:

The Council will be charged with making decisions in conjunction with the Principal on the long-term direction of the schools continued growth. Decisions must be consistent with District policy, state law, and negotiated agreements. The council is authorized and shall engage in all discretionary functions permitted by SB 167 and in all appropriate measures deemed necessary to carry out such discretionary functions. These discretionary functions include school policies and trust-lands budget and expenditures.

  1. Review key responsibilities of the School Community Council.
  2. Share sample best practices of successful councils
  3. Handouts
    • School Improvement Plan
    • Digital Citizenship
    • Appropriate School Land Trust Expenditures
    • School Land Trust Plan approval Guidelines
    • Sample SCC Bylaws
    • SCC Compliance Checklist
    • SCC Information for School Website

The council shall, on an annual basis, set forth student achievement goals with the yearly performance targets based on the District's assessment policy and other indicators identified by the District. The council will annually evaluate its performance in reaching the targets.

  1. At the conclusion of each school year, the council shall prepare a report of goals and objectives accomplished for that year. Such reports shall be maintained in the council files.
  2. Files shall be maintained in the office of the Principal. These files will be available to all members of the council, parents, and other constituents.
  3. Committees for expansion of specific programs or needed services for implementation of the Purpose of the Council may be named by members of the council.

Community Council  Membership:

The COMMUNITY Based council shall be comprised of:

                        1                                  Principal

                        At least 1                    Employee Representatives.

                        At least 4                     Parent Representatives.

  • "Parent member" means a member of a school community council who is a parent of a student who:
  1. is attending the school; or
  2. will be enrolled at the school during the parent's term of office.


  • "School employee member" means a member of a school community council who is a person employed at the school by the school or school district, including the principal.

Rules of Procedure:

  • Council members will receive training to understand the responsibilities of the council.  Council members receive training before preparing and taking action on School LAND Trust Plans and reports.
  • All meetings are open to the public and the public is welcome to attend.
  • The agenda of each upcoming meeting, with draft minutes of the prior meeting, will be made available to all council members at least one week in advance and will be posted on the school website.  The agenda will include the date, time, and location of the meeting, and any proposed action items.
  • Written minutes will be kept of all meetings, prepared in draft format for approval at the next scheduled meeting. Approved minutes will be retained for three years.

To promote ethical behavior and civil discourse each council member shall:  

  • Attend council meetings on time and prepared
  • Make decisions with the needs of students as the main objective
  • Listen to and value diverse opinions
  • Be sure the opinions of those the council represents are included in discussions
  • Expect accountability and be prepared to be accountable
  • Act with integrity

Selection Process: 

  • The teachers shall be eligible for council membership providing they are assigned to the school for more than 50% of their daily schedule.  Teachers shall be selected for council membership for the following year by their peers who are also assigned to the school for more than 50% of their daily schedule.  Itinerant teachers will be considered members of their home based school.  The nomination and election process shall be conducted by the eligible teachers assigned to the school in spring before the end of the school year.  If teachers are not nominated, they will be appointed by the principal.  Those elected shall take office effective September 1st.
  • The parents shall be selected for the following year by their peers according to a system coordinated by the principal.  Any parent of a child in the school during the period of elected service is eligible for election.  The election shall be completed by the last May Community Council meeting and those elected shall take office in the September meeting.  Nominations must be received at least one week before the May meeting.  If the election process does not take place, the principal will then appoint members for the community council.


  • Members, parents and employees, are expected to attend monthly meetings.
  • If a member cannot attend a meeting, they should notify the Chair prior to the meeting.
  • If a member misses three consecutive meetings during a given school year they will be invited to have a discussion with the Principal and Chair.

Voting Consensus:

  • A quorum is defined as a majority of members with the stipulation that the majority must follow the legal composition of the council and have, at minimum, two more parent members than employee members present to vote.
  • Through the use of e-mail communication, the SCC may take any action for which it has authority without convening a meeting. The consent to the action taken must be in writing, must set forth the action so taken, and must be approved by the majority of the membership of the SCC.
  • Absentee voting is not acceptable.

Officers and Duties:

  • Chairperson: The Chairperson shall be elected by a majority of the council members. The Chairperson will be responsible for conducting the meeting. The Chairperson will collect all items for the agenda and publish them. The Chairperson may be a member of, or appoint another member in their stead, of any council subcommittee. The Chairperson shall have voting rights.
  • Co-chairperson: The Assistant Chairperson shall be elected by a majority of the council members. The Assistant Chairperson will work in conjunction with the Chairperson and the Principal in performing Chairperson duties as well as other duties as assigned. The Assistant Chairperson will assume the duties of the Chairperson if for any reason the Chairperson is unavailable.
  • Secretary: The secretary will contact committee members prior to each meeting to check for quorum. The Secretary will submit minutes and summaries of meetings to council members and the Superintendent.  A copy shall be maintained on file in the school website.  The Secretary will type and distribute the minutes within five to seven days of the next meeting.
  • Principal: The Principal or his/her designee shall have voting rights equal to other council members, but will retain final approval of any committee decision.

Terms and Limitations:

  • The Principal will serve on the council during his/her tenure at the school.
  • Teacher and support staff seats on the council will be for at least a one year term. Parent terms will be for at least one year, following their election or appointment.
  • Vacancies
    1.  Any representative of the Council who ceases to meet the qualifications or fails to carry out the duties of office may be removed from office by a majority of vote of the Council.
    2.  All resignations shall be made in writing to the Chairperson.
    3.  A vacancy occurring in the office of the Chairperson shall be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term by the assistant chairperson, who shall then cease to be assistant chairperson. A vacancy occurring in any other office shall be filled by appointment of the Council at a special meeting called for that purpose. Election to fill a vacancy shall require a majority of the representatives of the Council present at the meeting at which such election takes place, notice having been given. If it can be shown that a majority of the Council cannot be convened during the summer months due to absences from the area, a vote may be taken telephonically, electronically, or by mail, and shall constitute a valid election.
    4. Attendance at Council meetings by Council representatives is vital to the expeditious transaction of business of the Council. Absence of any representative for three consecutive meetings shall be deemed a resignation, and written notice of such resignation shall be given to the absent representative. Extenuating circumstances constituting an emergency absence may be considered by the Council in determining whether the absent representative has resigned.


  • Regular Meetings: The meeting dates and times shall be determined by the Community Council of each school year.  Public notification of changes will be through the school’s Community Council website. 
  • A public comment time for input/concerns from the general public will be held to 15 minutes at the end of each regular meeting.  People wishing to comment at this time can come and sign up before the meeting.  Public comments will be limited to 5 minutes per person. Special presentations must be submitted in writing to the Chairperson prior to the meeting, and upon approval, may be allowed time appropriate for the presentation to be determined by the Chairperson.
  • Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the Principal, the Chairperson, or two council members. The members of the council shall be notified by email, by phone, or in person at least 24 hours prior to the special meeting time. No business shall be transacted at any such special meeting except that for which the meeting was called.
  • Meeting Cancelation: In case of cancellation of a regularly scheduled meeting, members will receive notification as early as possible. The council may revert to Sec.2 of this Article for rescheduling the meeting.
  • Emergency Procedures: In the event council business must be conducted on an emergency basis (i.e. over the summer months), a vote may be taken electronically and shall constitute a valid election or voting process. Electronic voting may be documented in the minutes.

Meetings shall be conducted and action taken according to very simplified rules of parliamentary procedure as required in 53G-7-1203.  Council actions will be taken by motions and voting with votes and motions recorded in the minutes.

Simple Motions of Parliamentary Procedure:

Simple Motions of Parliamentary Procedure
Motion Does It Require a 2nd ? Is It Debatable? Can it Be Amended? Is A Vote Required
Adjourn yes no no majority
Amend a motion yes yes yes majority
Close nominations yes no yes
Main motion yes yes yes majority
Point of Order no no no ruled on by chair
Previous Question yes no no
Reconsider yes yes no majority
Withdrawal of Motion no no no majority

A motion is an action to be taken by the council and is stated as a motion.  Someone else on the council “seconds” the motion indicating at least one other person on the council feels the motion is worthy of discussion.  Then the council members may provide input and discussion as called upon by the chair.  When the discussion seems complete the chair may call for a vote on the motion.  Or when a member of the council “calls the previous question” (a motion to end discussion of the first motion), a second is required.  Without discussion, the chair calls for a vote that must pass by 2/3.  If the vote on the previous question fails, the council goes back to discussing the first motion.  If the motion to call the previous question passes, the chair directly calls for a vote on the first motion.  A vote to call the previous question is usually used to move business along.

  • A tie vote is a lost vote.
  • Most motions are main motions.  A main motion may be amended.
  • A point of order is offered when there is some question if the procedure has been followed correctly.
  • To stop debate or discussion on a motion and force the vote a member would say, “I move the previous question.”  This requires a second and a 2/3 vote.
  • Hasty action may be corrected by use of the motion to reconsider. This motion may be made only
    by one who voted on the prevailing side.
  • A person who made the motion may withdraw the same motion.

Agenda Setting Process:

  • Limitation:

a. Action shall not be taken on items not included on the official action agenda.

b. Items may be added to the agenda by a two-thirds vote of the council.

c. Written and verbal notice will be given to the petitioner if an item

is not accepted for the agenda.

d. The Secretary of the Council will tabulate and certify the results.

  • No amendments or changes shall become effective until approved by the council and the superintendent of the schools or his designee.


Nothing herein shall constitute members of the council as partners for any purpose. No member, officer, agent, or employee shall be liable for the acts or failure to act on the part of any Community-based member, officer, agent, or employee; nor shall any director, member, officer, agent, or employee be liable for his/her acts or failure to act under the bylaws, or otherwise.

Agenda Request Form:

Please note: the following is a listing of functions which are expressly excluded from school council authority. These functions shall remain within the province of the superintendent or the district office personnel delegated responsible by the superintendent and cannot be decided by the council:

  • Transportation contracting, scheduling and management.

  • Collective negotiations and contract provisions.

  • Centralized purchasing, bidding, and warehousing.

  • Determination of staffing formulas and personnel allocations.

  • Management of fiscal services including payroll and accounting, data processing.

  • Determination of the annual school calendar.

  • Determination of the beginning and ending times of the school day.

  • Management of building maintenance, plant modifications, and facility needs determination.

  • District wide alignment of curriculum and assessment.

  • Personnel recruitment.

  • District program requirements (categorical/SPED programs).

  • Facility and environmental requirements (OSHA-AHERA-Etc.).

  • Determination of expenditures for utilities.


I wish to submit the following agenda items for the Community Council meeting:

Ways to Achieve:

Proposed Result:

Printed Name:                                                                       Signature:                                                      




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