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Woodruff Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

11/10/2021 MIN

Community Council Minutes
November 10, 2021 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Michelle Arnold
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Megan Bowen
Karlee Fryer(Secretary) Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle Jen Johnson
Martha Garrity Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston Matt Bennett

Agenda Topics

  • Review and approve the minutes from the May meeting
    • Motion- Melissa
    • 2nd- Stacie
  • Review and approve the minutes from the September meeting
    • Motion- Martha
    • 2nd- Melissa
  • Review Budget
    • We have a budget of $107,315.00, we have spent a total of $44,456.77 to this point. We have about $16,000 that needs to be reallocated for sure.
    • With the lack of subs, teams can’t meet, and the Chromebooks were paid for from a different account.
    • The school could benefit from hiring five more aides at 5.5 hours a day, the district is having a hard time finding people interested. As a council if we know of people that would be interested, we are to spread the word.
  • Review SIP Plan
    • The percentages of students at benchmark or above benchmark are consistent with previous years at the beginning of the year. The hope is to see a 7% growth by the end of year for students to be at benchmark and see an 8% growth by the end of the year for students to be above benchmark.
    • By the end of the school year our goal is that 100% of students will demonstrate proficiency on grade level math essentials. As of right now, we have not reached that goal in any of the grades. Some grades are closer than others. We talked about how to better help with math, more aides would be helpful because most of the aides are used to support reading. Maybe we could use the Watchdogs programs to push for help with math. We also talked about teachers using parents for support in their classrooms, for either math or reading.
    • Referrals to refocus and the office still are a concern to members of the council. Matt feels like the school expectations are being followed and are going well with students. There are a few students that are frequent visitors to Ms. Jackie and/or the office.
  • Community Council Canvas Course
    • Matt gave us a handout on how to go about the SCC training course on canvas.
  • Reunification Plan
    • The reunification plan needs to be reevaluated; this happens every five years.
    • Family reunification: Students will go to a different location, and instructions will be given to parents through a phone call of where to pick up their children and the how the process will take place.
  • Homework Policies
    • Matt wanted some input on the homework policy
    • The LCSD Elementary Homework Expectation is to assign reading as homework, 20 minutes Kinder-2nd. 30 minutes, 3rd -5th
    • No homework is fine, however, still good to get some math sent home or make a fun way to work on math at home. For example: Turkey Trot Multiplication in 3rd Grade
  • Public Input
    • An additional fourth-grade teacher has been hired and will begin teaching by the end of the month. Parents will be notified if their students are changing classes.

Next Meeting

  • Wednesday, December 8 , 2021 @ 3:15 pm