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Woodruff Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

12/8/2021 MIN

Community Council Minutes
December 8, 2021 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Michelle Arnold
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Megan Bowen
Karlee Fryer(Secretary) Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle Jen Johnson
Martha Garrity Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston Matt Bennett


  • Start time: 3:17pm
  • Motion to approve minutes from the November Meeting-
    • Matt
    • 2nd Aaron
  • Review Budges
    • We have money that will need to be reallocated
  • Discuss Ways to Spend Excess Money
    • Matt put together a list of suggested ways to spend the extra money, suggestions came for the media center, kindergarten/first grade, computer prep, resource classrooms and leveled library.
    • We talked about updating some of the book sets in the library that could also be used for research. It was asked if the library was a place where the students go for research information, teachers said they usually use the internet. We talked about finding a way for students to check out more than one book, and to possibly check books out before or after school. The library no longer has computers, might be good for them to have a few chrome books for student use. We were also curious of the age of books, and if there is a list of books that are not being checked out.
    • Kindergarten and 1st Grade could use some new iPads and headphones. Some of the iPads are 7 years old and can no longer be updated. They have about 10-12 per class.
    • Computer Prep and Resource Classrooms could use a tv/monitor, vivi and wall mount. This is something that could come out of the IT school budget next year.
    • Leveled Library could always use updated books.
  • Reviw SIP Goals
    • By the end of the school year our goal is that 100% of students will demonstrate proficiency on grade level math essentials. As of right now, we have not reached that goal in any of the grades. There was improvement from the last meeting to now in most of the grades.
    • There was a small increase in referrals to refocus from the last month. The PBIS team is pretty much the same as when the new expectations were created. The bulk of the visits are less than 5%. When there are repeat visits from students the council asked how the consequences change. The student comes up with a plan with Ms. Jackie, and they will adjust the plan as needed with continued visits to refocus. Parents become involved also.
  • Reunification Plan
    • This year they will have a faculty drill.
  • End Time 4:00pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday January 12 @ 3:15