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Woodruff Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

1/12/2022 MIN

Community Council Minutes
January 12, 2022@ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Michelle Arnold
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Megan Bowen
Karlee Fryer(Secretary) Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle Jen Johnson
Martha Garrity Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston Matt Bennett


Start time: 3:17pm

  • Motion to approve minutes from the December Meeting- Matt 2nd - Jen
  • Review Budget
    • Still have some errors on the budget. Not sure exactly what we’ll have at the end of the year. Estimating we will have about $21,000 at the end of the year. For sure we have $16,000 to reallocate that was budgeted for sub costs for teams and chromebooks-money came from another budget.
  • Discuss Ways to Spend Excess Money
    • Matt is working on the plan for the technology budget for the next school year. Once he has an idea of what he will be using that budget for he will bring it back to the council to discuss if we need to use trustland funds to fill in the areas that can’t be covered. Kindergarten could use new ipads (30 of them).
    • The library would like to purchase Native American, Explore the Country and State Book Sets. The council likes these books, but is wondering what the plan is for them? Will these books be used to teach from in the library setting, suggested ways to research to teachers, etc. We would like to see them used and not just sitting on a shelf. Matt will check with the librarian and follow up with us at the next meeting.
    • Martha suggested using some of the money for experiences or field trips. Matt said there are field trips planned for this year, with money from another budget. Would be something to keep in mind for next year with planning the SIP.
    • The district has a grant for the purchase of chromebooks for 3 rd , 6 th and 9 th grade this year, money is already set aside for 4 th grade chromebooks for next year.
    • An amendment doesn’t need to be made to the SIP for the approved purchases listed because it already falls within our plan. Approval for the purchase was made at the meeting.
  • Trustland Funds Voted On: Purchase 4 chromebooks for the media center for a total of about $1,000 and purchase new book sets for the level library for about $2200. Motioned: Melissa 2nd : Martha All in favor
  • Review SIP Goals
    • We discussed that it might be helpful to see what the essentials are for each month in each grade, since they do change. The goal is to teach the essentials and then reteach them until the student becomes proficient.
    • essentials and then reteach them until the student becomes proficient.
    • Acadience Reading assessments will be this month, Matt will share the data with us at the next meeting.
    • The PBIS has been hit hard with the new year. Teachers have been reviewing the expectations at Woodruff. The school will be focusing on something each month.
  • Start Discussion for SIP for next school year
    • Matt shared the current SIP with the Leadership Team, they talked through it, what works and doesn’t work.
    • The leadership team likes the goals and would like to see them stay the same. They feel like it is good to be consistent to see how the goals are working year to year. Possibly just change the reading percentage listed in the SIP.
    • Our greatest need is reading, along with math. Maybe change some of the action plan steps. Melissa suggested looking into ways to support the ELL students more, possibly with aides or providing professional development for the teachers.
    • The teachers would like to keep days to work together as teams in the plan, with hopes that subs will be easier to get next year.
    • In the past we have sent teachers to conferences, instead of traveling to conferences the idea of bringing someone in or having an online conference was suggested.
    • How can we get more help with mental help? It would be nice to have a full-time psychologist, social worker, or guidance counselor. We currently have a part time psychologist intern. She has been teaching lessons in classes about managing emotions, self- regulation, etc. It would be so great to be able to have 1-on-1, mostly small groups. The district tried to hire for mental health but couldn’t get people. Matt said he will try to reach out to the social worker department to see if they have interns available.
    • Matt will review the SIP and make a few changes regarding the things we discussed and send it out to us before the next meeting.
  • Public Input
    • Boundary Change: a letter went out to all the parents to update their information. This can be done on aspire or by returning the paper sent in the mail.
    • We talked about seeing if it is possible for the older grades to check out more than one book at the library. Matt said he would follow up with this.
    • Pick Up/Drop Off: No complaints to the office, some of the same problems that we have talked about in the past. Would be nice to have people standing out there directing traffic, but we don’t have people to put out there. Teachers are picking up and dropping off their classes on the blacktop during that time.
  • End time: 4:34pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 9th @ 3:15 pm