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Woodruff Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

2/8/2022 MIN

Community Council Minutes
February 8, 2022@ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Michelle Arnold
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Megan Bowen
Karlee Fryer(Secretary) Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle Jen Johnson
Martha Garrity Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston Matt Bennett


Start time: 3:15pm

  • Motion to approve minutes from the January Meeting- Martha 2nd - Aaron
  • Review SIP Goals Progress
    • The numbers dipped with the middle of the year Acadience Testing. Those at benchmark went from 16%-13% and those above benchmark went from 42% to 28%. Reading is a big concern for students at our school. We will keep trying to find ways to help our students to reach benchmark at the elementary school level.
    • One of the issues is that they are having a hard time getting kids to come to school. Some is because of illness, which is something we do want them to stay home for. But some are just not coming.
    • Next year they are looking to implement Wellness Groups/Rooms in all the schools in the district. The training for this will be in the summer. The idea behind it is to provide a place where students can go have a minute away from everything if needed, mental health break. Matt feels like our current PBIS that we have in place already supports this, so it shouldn’t make for a lot of changes.
  • Teacher of the Year
    • Cassie Tollefson was voted teacher of the year.
  • Discuss Proposed SIP Plan
    • We reviewed the proposed plan for the SIP.
    • It was suggested to use the funds allotted for STEM in different ways then they have been, maybe for the monthly STEM challenges so more kids can have the opportunity to participate in them. Currently they are being used for the STEM team and Lego League. An example of an expense this year was that the STEM team purchased a game for each classroom to be used in the school’s winter Olympics.
    • We also talked about looking for ways to reward attendance.
    • Matt has talked with Superintendent Schofield about having more support with mental health in the school, will continue to work on that. Hopefully something through the university.
  • Review the Budget/Ways to Spend Excess Money
    • As of the meeting we had about $18,776 to spend, this is a rough idea.
    • When Matt asked teachers about field trips, they said they have never been told no, so they don’t feel like they need funds allotted to field trips.
    • The Technology budget for next year will be able to cover 30 iPads, 2 ViVo’s and the grant will cover new chromebooks for 3 rd grade.
    • Some teachers said they would like to use their extra days still, even though we can’t get subs. Maybe on the weekends or once school is out. So that may be an expense we will still have.
  • Trustland Funds Voted On: Purchase book sets for the library, the subjects of the books are Native American, States and Countries, the estimated cost being about $3000. As a council we would love to hear how these books are used in the library and classrooms. Motioned: Stacie2nd : Michelle All in favor
  • Public Input
    • Boundary Change: we have had about 80+ kids school choice to Woodruff
  • End time: 4:25pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 9th @ 3:15 pm