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Woodruff Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

3/16/2022 MIN

Community Council Minutes
March 16, 2022 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Michelle Arnold
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Megan Bowen
Karlee Fryer (Secretary) Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle Jen Johnson
Martha Garrity Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston Matt Bennett

Agenda Topics

  • Review and approve the minutes from the February meeting (Wyatt) 1 minute
    • Aaron motioned
    • Michelle 2nd
  • Review SIP Goals progress (Matt) 10 min
    • The next round of testing for Acadience Reading will be the first of May. We are hoping to see scores go up for the end of year testing. Teams have been looking at topics and different interventions to help with reading in their classrooms and as grades. Kinder also increased their time in class.
    • The plan for next year to stay with the current schedule that we have this year, with school beginning at 8:00am and ending at 2:00pm. The amount of instructional time being lost is not as much as it may seem, it is more like 12 minutes. Matt will send an email explaining the instructional time with this schedule.
    • The school is spending time refocusing on the expectations of the school. There is a tip of the day for each day, this month is E, last month was T, next month will be A, etc.
    • There are a higher number of visits to refocus when there are substitutes in the classroom.
  • Discuss SIP plan (Matt) 10 min
    • A few changes were made to the SIP from our last meeting. 1. STEM will be allotted $1,000 for the monthly STEM activities. 2. An additional Reading Mentor (5.5 hours) was added to help Heather with the mentor program. 3. Provide a social worker intern, school psychologist intern, or school counselor up to 10 hours, for a total of $20,000. Matt is still waiting to hear back to know what options we will have.
    • The district does have a grant for school counselors at the elementary level. The counselors are shared between 2 schools, we are one of the schools that did not get one this year, four other schools did. We are hoping to have one for next year. The district had a hard time finding people to hire.
      • Melissa motioned to approve the SIP as presented to the council.
      • 2nd-Michelle. All in Favor
  • Review Budget/Ways to Spend Excess Money (Matt) 5 min
    • Matt visited with Frank about carryover money and said we can carry over 10% of the amount, if needed to carry more over we will need to have a reason to tell the board and state.
    • It was suggested to maybe find ways to have more hands-on experiences in the classrooms, not necessarily field trips.
    • LETRS training is for grades K-3 and have some great tools to help with the fundamentals of reading. There are different sizes of sets, $60 for the smaller set and $120 for the larger set. Third grade has 6 of the smaller sets and have felt they are a great tool to use in the small groups. Matt will reach out to teachers to see if they would be interested in getting some of these sets for their classrooms. We can possibly vote through email or at the next meeting depending on the response from teachers.
  • Safe Walking Routes (Matt) 10 min
    • This is something we need to start thinking about with the new boundaries.
    • Sidewalks-will need to talk to the city if some are needed.
    • One bus will be provided for the south springs and the trailer homes in that area.
    • As a council we can drive the new boundaries and look for sidewalks.
    • Will take this to the upcoming Woodruff Neighborhood meeting, Matt will send out an email letting the school community know that their input is valuable at this meeting with city officials regarding safe walking routes.
  • Public Input (Wyatt) 9 min
    • What will next year look like? School Size: 630-640 students, that number will change after Preschool and Kindergarten registration in April. As of now there will be 5-1 st grade classes, 4-2nd grade classes, 4-3rdgrade classes, 4-4th grade classes, 3-5th grade classes and not sure about kinder until after registration.
    • A suggestion was given to put a stool between the front doors for the students that can’t reach the button to be buzzed in.

End time: 4:15pm

Next Meeting

  • Wednesday, April 13, 2022 @ 3:15 pm