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4/13/2022 MIN

Community Council Minutes
April 13, 202@ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Michelle Arnold (excused)
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Megan Bowen
Karlee Fryer (Secretary) Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle (excused) Jen Johnson
Martha Garrity Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston Matt Bennett

Agenda Topics

  • Review and approve the minutes from the March meeting (Wyatt) 1 minute
    • Martha motioned
    • Aaron 2nd
  • Review SIP Goals progress (Matt) 10 min
    • The next round of testing for Acadience Reading will be the first of May. The final scores won’t be available before our next meeting, so Matt will email them out to us.
    • Math essential scores stayed similar the previous month.
    • Few more refocus/office referrals but not bad.
  • Review Budget/Ways to Spend excess money (Matt) 5 min
    • Our carryover can be 10% of our allotted money.
    • Teams are planning to take additional days in the summer for collaboration, that will cost about $10,000 if all the teams take the days..
    • It was suggested to maybe find new field trip opportunities to think outside the box a bit. Stacie wondered if teachers would be open to suggestions. Matt thought they would be. Most of the time teachers are told yes for field trip opportunities unless transportation isn’t available.
    • Another suggestion was to have Mrs. T and her husband do more training with mindfulness. Possibly make it available school wide, in hopes of making mindfulness language a school wide language. Matt will discuss this with the Guiding Coalition and PBIS.
    • Other suggestions were Infinity software (mostly used by 4th and 5th
  • Trustland Funds Voted On: Motion to approve the purchase of LETRS tiles for each classroom K-3. We will purchase six sets per class (17 classes) at a total of about $4600.
    • Motioned: Megan
    • 2nd: Becca
    • All in favor
  • Trustland Funds Voted On: Motion to spend up to $3000 for classroom books. Labels will be put in the books stating how they were purchased.
    • Motioned: Martha
    • 2nd: Stacie
    • All in favor
  • Trustland Funds Voted On: Motion to approve Summer Library up to $3000 for hours and supplies.
    • Motioned: Jen
    • 2nd: Megan
    • All in favor
  • New member selection process (Matt) 10 min
    • Matt will send out the candidate form by email, including areas that take in the new boundary line. We will look at these at our May meeting.
    • The form will be posted on the website.
  • Public Input (Wyatt) 9 min

Next Meeting

  • Wednesday, May 11, 2022 @ 3:15 pm