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Woodruff Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

10/11/2022 MIN

Community Council Minutes
October 10, 2022 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Karlee Fryer
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Megan Bowen (ex)
Michelle Arnold (ex) (Secretary) Aaron Zilles
Matt Bennet Jen Johnson
Becca Crookston Leslie Rigby

Agenda Topics

Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 9th @ 3:15 pm

  • Review and approve the minutes from the September meeting (Wyatt) 1 minute
    • Aaron Approved
    • Matt 2n
  • Review Budget
    • We have quite a bit money that we will need to spend this year. With the carryover from last year, we have $124,367 total. We have projected to spend $105,142 but will probably not spend that full amount due to not filling the instructional assistant positions.
    • So far teams have been able to have days to meet together, and there has not been any problems with getting subs.
    • Matt is still looking for more instructional assistants. He has had four people show interest in the position, but he has not seen an application from them yet.
  • Suggestions on how to Spend Excess Money
    • Look at funding the summer library again, possibly increasing it to two days instead of one. Try to be ahead on this so that Melinda can start planning for it.
    • Send teachers to conferences
    • STEM: Revisit the greenhouse idea from prior years
    • Indoor recess supplies
    • 95% Intervention for level library
    • A program for preschool, similar to Upstart, that would provide early intervention for preschool aged students. Preschool is completely paid for by grants, no funding from the individual schools they are at.
    • Lexia: In the past we have had a grant for Lexia that covered grades K-5, this year the grant changed and only covers the cost for K-3. The license for Lexia is $45 per student and we have approximately 200 students in 4 th and 5 th grade. Matt will visit with the 4 th and 5 th grade teachers to see how many licenses they would need; some students have finished the 21 levels by the upper grades. Question was asked if each student needs a license or if they can be shared.
    • Book Vending Machine: The cost of the vending machine would be $4795. The vending machine comes with special coins to buy books. Matt will do a some more research on it. Some questions were: How many books does it hold? How much would it cost to refill the books and keep it stocked? Does it come with books?
    • Generation Genius: A science software, the cost is $1795 for the whole school or $175 per class.
  • Trustland Funds Voted On: Spend up to $10,000 for Lexia licenses for the 4th and 5th grade students.
    Motioned: Aaron
    2nd : Wyatt
    All in favor
  • SIP Data
    • 60% of the students are at benchmark or above benchmark for the beginning of year Acadience Reading testing (13% at benchmark, 47% above benchmark). The goal is to maintain and grow off of these percentages.
    • Math Acadience testing was a little lower for percentages of those at benchmark or above benchmark, between 30-40% for each grade. Something to remember the young grades have to read the test on their own. January will be the middle of the year testing.
    • There is a new phonics curriculum this year.
    • PBIS team is working hard to remind students the Woodruff school expectations. There is a tip of the day each day during announcements. Students can submit a tip to their teacher and if their tip is chosen, they get a prize, and the tip is shared with the school. Teachers also use the tips in their classrooms each day.
    • Still using the different color tags for the different grades and areas of the school.
    • Wellness Room: there is a handful that visit the room often, they don’t feel that it has been being abused yet. Students that visit the room often meet with the school counselor weekly. Also, the school counselor has set up groups and invite these students to be a part of the groups.
  • Other Information
    • Possible new playground, looking into it, trust land funds can not cover this.
    • Reading Movement: this year Woodruff is focusing on reading through their reading movement. Everything is about reading! The goal is to help students realize they are readers for life. Teachers are posting outside their classrooms what they are currently reading, there is a bulletin board with pictures of teachers and their favorite book, 30-book challenge and the staff have shirts about reading. A suggestion was made to put teacher choices for books out at the library for students to check out.
    • Attendance: How can they help motivate students to come to school? There is an attendance issue in all of the grades. The school sends letters home for attendance, they are not helping. There have not been home visits yet. Looking for ways to give positive reinforcement to the students that come to school, this may not help those not coming because they won’t see it. Suggestion was made to celebrate attendance more often, not just the end of the year. Have the Parent Liaison make calls to the families with low attendance and get the reasons for why they are missing- then keep track of those reasons. We have 100 students that school choice, if attendance is a problem, they could lose that opportunity to school choice. Our assignment is to come up with ways to help with attendance, ways to celebrate.
  • Assignments:
    • Bring ideas for attendance
    • Follow up on ways to spend excessive money
  • End Time 4:35pm