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Woodruff Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

1/11/2023 MIN

Community Council Minute
January 11, 2023 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) (excused) Michelle Arnold (excused)
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) (excused) Matt Bennett
Martha Garrity Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle Jen Johnson
Karlee Fryer Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston  

Agenda Topics

  • Review and approve the minutes from the November meeting (Wyatt)
    • Motioned- Aaron Zilles, 2nd - Karlee Fryer
  • Review Budget (Matt)
    • Money was taken out of the budget for Generation Genius and funds were hopefully approved in this weeks Board meeting to spend funds on the summer library program.
  • Review SIP Plan data (Matt)
    • Testing will begin next week and then numbers can be updated again
    • 5 th grade numbers are the lowest which may make sense since they missed a lot of their 3 rd grade year and then had a disrupted learning experience again in 4th grade as well.
    • A suggestion was made to try to compare each grade of students as they’ve gone on (i.e- compare 1 st graders in 2018 to their improvement in the 2nd grade in 2019 etc.) … there are so many factors contributing that it makes this very difficult! (Covid, boundary changes, move-ins and outs, etc.)
    • DataGateway can help us see how we can compare to similar schools as far as our scores go.
    • There is a nationwide trend in scores going down steadily.
  • Future SIP plans
    • The school counselor has been extremely beneficial and we’ll need to find out if the Grant that covers her salary will continue or if we’ll need to set aside trustland funds for that. Another possibility is to try and cover another part time position to supplement.
    • The state and district are approaching reading in a much different way with some new programs being implemented. It will be exciting to see what will happen!
  • Public Input (Wyatt)
    • Pick up and drop off since Wyatt and Matt have been guiding cars has made a very big difference!!
    • The school will keep on it and try to set aside time for someone to be out there especially at the start and end of the year and when the weather changes/gets colder.
    • Wellness room referrals and refocus referral numbers. Many kids may benefit from a schedule of going to the wellness room. This may help with the regular visitors to refocus.
    • No Tarty Party- results seemed to be favorable from teachers as far as seeing less tardy’s- however they are going to see if they can find a different way of celebrating the no tardy’s.
    • Feb 16th PTC will be scheduled for in person times and the rest of the week will be phone calls/zoom meetings.
    • Jan meeting for the district community councils. Jan 31st @ 6:30pm @ LHS
    • Time to start putting the word out for next year’s community council members
  • Adjourn-4:15

Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 8th @ 3:15 pm


  • Matt will add the numbers of students improving from Red to yellow and yellow to green in future data charts.
  • Matt will research other schools that are similar to us to compare their SIP’s.
  • Matt will research other schools that are similar to us to compare their SIP’s.