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2/8/2023 MIN

Community Council Minute
February 8, 2023 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Michelle Arnold
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Matt Bennett
Martha Garrity Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle Jen Johnson
Karlee Fryer Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston  

Agenda Topics

Next Meeting: Wednesday, March 8th @ 3:15 pm

  • Review and approve the minutes from the January meeting (Wyatt)
    • Motioned- Melissa, 2nd - Karlee
  • Review Budget (Matt)
    • 8 Computer carts to come off the budget
    • Should be down to the 10% after summer hours and summer library.
    • No Conference for Leadership team, but will have some Reading Consultants come work with them.
  • Review SIP Plan data (Matt)
    • After last test percentages are up in every grade.
    • In Kindergarten 88% of kids are green or blue, similar percentages in most grade levels
    • Students who are in the red get smaller groups and interventions for what they are missing, yellow students get the same help.
  • Teacher of the year selection (Wyatt)
    • Nominations reviewed and voted on.
  • Review proposed SIP plan for next year (Matt)
    • Matt checked comparable plans, didn’t find anything that stood out.
    • Plan is similar to years before.
    • Plan is similar to years before.
    • Safety aid for next year
    • Matt will look into teacher/teacher grants.- Up to $10,00.
    • Matt will still think on the plan and we’ll vote on it over email.
  • Public Input (Wyatt)
    • Book Blast Treasure Map
      • Each student gets a book that enters regardless of donations
      • Emails will not be sold
    • Melissa asked about incorporating “Read, Run, Right” with the Wildcat Run. Matt will take it to the Leadership Team
      • 26.2 miles over time, with the wildcat run being the last 1.2 miles
      • 26 books
      • 26 acts of kindness
    • Motion to adjourn-Melissa, 2nd -Karlee
    • End Time 4:34pm