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Woodruff Elementary

Proud Members of #TEAMLogan

3/8/2023 MIN

Community Council Minute
March 8, 2023 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Wyatt Olsen (Chair) Michelle Arnold
Stacie Jorgensen (Vice Chair) Matt Bennett
Martha Garrity Aaron Zilles
Melissa Dahle Jen Johnson
Karlee Fryer Leslie Rigby
Becca Crookston  

Agenda Topics

  • Review and approve the minutes from the January meeting
    • Motioned- Melissa, 2nd - Karlee
  • Review Budget
    • Things with the budget are looking good for the reminder of the year. Carts have been ordered for the chromebooks. Once the summer library and teachers meeting during the summer are paid for, we will be close to or under the 10% carryover that we are allowed to have.
  • SIP Plan data (Matt)
    • With Acadience Reading, 70% of the school is at or above benchmark.
    • Math Essentials: as the skills get more difficult the percentages go down. There is some room for improvement in some of the grade levels.
    • In a few of the grades there as a considerably large growth with referrals to Ms.Jackie. Matt, Ms. Jackie, the school counselor, and social worker work together with the kids that are being referred often. Also, they are working to see how they can use the Wellness Room more effectively. Question was asked what the number is of new kids being added vs. the same kids. Next month Matt will break the overall number down to show us how many are the same kids and how many are new kids receiving the referrals.
  • Proposed SIP for School Year 2023-2024
    • Reviewed the SIP and voted.
    • Discussed possibly adding part of the funding for an FTE but decided to hold off on it. As a council we felt that items listed in the plan are important to keep as proposed and will benefit a larger number of our students.
    • Melissa motioned to approve the SIP as presented to the council. 2nd -Aaron. All in Favor
  • Public Input (Wyatt)
    • The legislators passed a bill for kindergarten to be all day across the state. Our school will have 5 all-day kindergarten classes next year.
    • After School Pick Up was discussed. Cars are blocking 6 th South by lining up in the turning lanes for both left and right hand turning into the big loop. Not sure how to help this, suggestion was made to have the police patrol the area again. Matt said he would check with Officer Graves.
  • Motion to adjourn-Melissa
  • End Time 4:15pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday, April 12th @ 3:15 pm