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9/13/2023 MIN

Community Council Minutes
September 13, 2023 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Aaron Zilles (Chair) Michelle Arnold (Vice Chair)
Wyatt Olsen Melissa Dahle
Becca Crookston Martha Garrity (ex)
Julie Gillespie Denisse Solorio
Kristi Majumdar Matt Bennett

Start time 3:16

  • Review and approve minutes from May meeting (Aaron)- Motioned- Aaron, 2nd -Michelle
  • Introduce new member of Community Council (Aaron)
  • Elect a secretary for this school year (Aaron)
    • Denisse voted Secretary -Motioned-Michelle, 2nd Wyatt
  • Review the Bylaws, Rules and Regulations (Aaron)
    • Matt will find out how to and what can be done to update the Bylaws.
    • Will also bring new rules of order and procedure.
    • Matt will figure out a way to let people know what the council does and who we are.
  • Meeting schedule for the year (Matt)
    • Will keep same schedule for the year
    • Switching October’s meeting to the 4th because of fall break.
      • Approve and change meeting schedule- Motioned-Matt, 2nd Julie.
  • Review Budget (Matt)
    • Teachers won’t be able to go to conference this year
    • Summer hours for teachers may need to be adjusted
  • Review SIP Plan data (Matt)
    • Testing hasn’t happened yet
    • Only a few referrals so far, Kindergarten is getting used to all day school.
  • Share Summer Library Numbers (Matt)
    • Good numbers, plan to continue next summer.
  • Public Input (Matt)
    • Small Parking lot lines should be done this month on a Saturday.
  • Next Meeting Wednesday, October 4th @3:15
  • Motion to adjourn-Melissa, 2nd -Aaron
  • End Time 4:23pm