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11/8/2023 MIN

Community Council Minutes
November 8, 2023 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Aaron Zilles (Chair) Michelle Arnold (Vice Chair)
Wyatt Olsen Melissa Dahle (ex)
Becca Crookston (ex) Julie Gillespie
Kristi Majumdar Matt Bennett

Agenda Topics

  • Review and approve the minutes from the October meeting (Aaron)
    • Motioned- Wyatt, 2nd -Matt
  • Glance at the budget (Matt)
    • Matt Taking Teachers to a Conference
  • Review SIP plan (Matt)
    • Behavioral referral numbers are looking good overall compared to other schools.
  • SET Results - PBIS (Matt)
  • Vote for ESP of the year (Aaron)
    • Voted on and Ms. Kay won
  • Review mini- grant requests
    • Mrs. T- Motion to approve- Michelle, 2nd - Kristi
    • Ms. Weis- Matt will ask for more details
    • Mrs. Lowder- Motion to approve- Matt, 2nd-Julie
    • Mrs. Parker- Matt will talk to her.
  • Updated Bylaws
  • Discuss school safety - reunification plan (Matt)
    • Will go over the plan next month
  • Digital citizenship (Aaron)
    • Will talk about next month
  • Public Input (Aaron)
  • Motion to adjourn-Aaron, 2 nd -Matt
  • End Time 4:23pm

Next Meeting: Wednesday, December 13th @ 3:15 pm