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12/13/2023 MIN

Community Council Minutes
December 13, 2023 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Aaron Zilles (Chair) Michelle Arnold (Vice Chair)
Wyatt Olsen (ex) Melissa Dahle
Becca Crookston Julie Gillespie
Kristi Majumdar Matt Bennett
Lindsey Krohn Denisse Solorio (ex)

Agenda Topics

  • Review and approve the minutes from the November meeting (Aaron)
    • Motioned- Aaron, 2nd -Kristi
  • Glance at the budget (Matt)
    • Some iPads need to be replaced
  • Review SIP plan (Matt)
    • No updates on testing
    • A few students have brought referral numbers up, but behavioral plans are in place.
  • Review mini-grant requests (Matt)
    • Ms. Weis- Motion to approve-Melissa, 2nd - Michelle
    • Mrs. Tollefson- Motion to approve-Melissa, 2nd-Becca
    • Mrs. Tuddenham- Motion to approve- Michelle, 2nd-Martha
    • Mrs. Sanchez- Matt will follow up with her
  • Review Reunification Plan
    • Digital citizenship (Matt)
  • Public Input (Aaron)
    • Pick up/Drop off needs help, Matt will send out a message

Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 10th @ 3:15 pm