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4/10/2024 MIN

Community Council Minutes
April 10, 2024 @ 3:15
Woodruff Elementary Conference Room

Aaron Zilles (Chair) Michelle Arnold (Vice Chair)
Wyatt Olsen Melissa Dahle
Becca Crookston Martha Garrity
Julie Gillespie Denisse Solorio
Kristi Majumdar Matt Bennett

Agenda Topics

  • Approve March Minutes
    • Motioned: Wyatt 2nd: Michelle
  • Glance at the budget (Matt)
    • We have approximately $19,000 left to spend this year. We want to at least be under $12,000 by June 30th.
  • Vote on how to use excess money (Matt)
    • Becca motioned to approve the 5th grade team conference and the book vending machine with the caveat that if there is enough money we will also put $6500 towards the Chromebooks and/or iPads. Michelle seconded. All were in favor.
      • Book Vending Machine - approx. $6500
      • Grade level Chromebooks - 3rd grade needs them, Kindergarten and first grade need iPads. Matt has money from other budgets that could be used. We could decide how much money to spend on this.
      • 5th grade team conference - approx. $6200 This is a Solution Tree Conference the 5th grade team has requested to attend. It is in Iowa at the end of June. Matt and Lindsey attested to it being a very beneficial conference and that the 5th-grade team would be the advocates for the rest of the teachers.
    • Review SIP Plan data (Matt)
      • Everything is pretty much the same as the March Meeting
    • Review mini-grant requests (Matt)
      • Melissa motioned to approve $1725 to cover the majority of the mini-grants, with a hold on the Scholastic books, headphones, Ms. Shelton’s request, and the display boxes & clay. Julie seconded. All were in favor.
        • 3d printer - $700 already ordered
        • Books for Jen Green
    • Open application for new council members
      • Matt will send out an email to the parents in the school explaining community council and encouraging them to apply.
    • Plan on selecting leadership for next year in our next meeting.
    • End Time - 4:30 PM
    • Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 8th @ 3:15pm